Spirited Away:11 Years of Smiles

| Saturday, February 11, 2012 | |
I've been watching Spirited Away since I was a kid, and until now, it still pulls at my heart strings. Adventure, Romance and the occasional weirdness you'd see in Hayao Miyazaki's works is right there. I've fallen in love with this movie, and I will continue falling -- I've even lost count of the number of times I've watched it.

Spirited Away [Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi] is a movie which entails the spiriting away of a young girl named Chihiro whose parents are transformed into pigs after they end up eating food which was meant for the spirits.

Helping her on her quest to bring her parents back to normal is Haku, a river spirit which comes in the form of a young boy. [CAUTION! You might fall in love with his voice... or with him.]

In the sudden turn of events Chihiro finds herself twisted in a web which was crafted by the greedy and vicious Yubaba who turns out to be Haku's master and the owner of the bath house wherein Chihiro would work while figuring out a way to bring her and her parents back to the other side of the world.

I dare say, Yubaba is one freaky hell of a witch, but she's one of my favorite characters. She's the main reason why Chihiro met Haku in the first place. The one I hate the most in this movie is that yokai named "no face".
He's not evil. But he's a yandere, and he's incredibly obsessed with Chihiro. CHIHIRO BELONGS TO HAKU!!!

Uhm... Change-topic. I like the sootballs. They're cute.

Putting aside the characters, let's move on to what I will always love about Spirited Away. It is a tale of mystery, hidden environmental messages and morals... It has lessons which you will truly value if you're the type who pays attention to every detail of the story. It revolves around the powers of friendship and true love. Guaranteed a must-watch for all you peeps out there. 


 "I finally get a bouquet and it's a goodbye present. That's depressing."

"Finish what you've started, human."

Chihiro: You can't remember your name?
Haku: No... But for some reasn, I remember yours. 

"Welcome the rich man, he's hard for you to miss. His butt keeps getting bigger, so there's plenty there to kiss!" - Aogaeru

Chihiro: I promise I'll be back, Haku. You can't die. 
Lin: What's going on here?
Kamajii: Don't you see? It's called... Love.

Haku: Kamaji... 
Kamajii: *wakes up* Oh, Haku, you're awake. 
Haku: Where's Sen? What happened? Please, tell me. 
Kamajii: Don't you remember anything? 
Haku: Just little pieces. Chihiro kept calling my name in the darkness. I followed her voice and woke up lying here. 
Kamajii: Chihiro, huh? Her real name's Chihiro? Can't beat the power of love. 

Zeniba: Now, try to remember as much as you can about your old life. 
Chihiro: For some reason, I can remember Haku... from a long time ago... but I thought I never met him before! 
Zeniba: Oh, that's a wonderful place to start! Once you meet someone, you never really forget them. 


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